On December 2nd, Imangi studios released an update for Temple Run 2 and it's safe to safe that it's very slippery when it comes to whether it's good or not.
Instead of sliding down a rope for the first part of the run, you surf the ice on an animal skull and when you jump, the character spins in the air which is awesome.

Other obstacles include rocks falling from the cliffside and blocking your path, so you need to jump on time. There are also a lot of bendy paths so be careful, there may be an obstacle round the next corner that you need to be prepared for.
TIP: Branches also magically appear on your path that you need to slide under but if you play with the sound on, you will hear the branches creaking before you get there so listen out because the creaking branches tell you if you're approaching one or not.
The game still includes the same power-ups, players still can obtain the shield, the coin magnet, relics from the chests, gems and the distance booster.
You will die a lot of first because the game-play is different. Visibility makes it hard to see properly and you have to learn whilst playing the game how to dodge certain obstacles.
The ice tunnel is superbly designed. It's based off the water slide from the original Temple Run 2 theme and you can choose whether to go right or left. The look of the ice tunnels are amazing. It looks like they updated the graphics on the game too because they're spectacular.

This update is very good. The idea is amazing and to see how they've turned original paths into a wintery theme is brilliant. The only thing that let's this update down is the visibility of the path corners. This is a big problem as you have to concentrate really hard on which way to turn. Whether it was supposed to be like this or not, it makes the game a lot trickier.
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