In this action-packed episode, AKA You're A Winner revolves around the relationship of Jessica Jones (Krysten Ritter) and Luke Cage (Mike Colter). The whole episode is pretty much the two of them, but before you hate on the episode before even watching, you need to know that this is a magnificent episode.
Luke comes to Jones with a missing person's case that is close to his heart. We are told later on in the episode by Cage that they are looking for Antoine (Dante E. Clark) due to his sister having information about Cage's wife's death. Jessica is torn between helping him and screaming at him that she was the one who killed Reva (Parisa Fitz - Henley).
Malcolm's (Eka Darville) character is becoming more and more loveable. After seeing him go through hell and back whilst being Kilgrave's (David Tennent) spy, his addiction to drugs has worn off and we see his true colours. He feels like he owes everything to Jessica and because he doesn't know who Luke is, Malcolm goes to talk to Luke about Jessica and finally ends up telling Cage about Kilgrave. Malcolm is like an innocent, little boy and to see him fresh-faced and clean was refreshing.
A massive plot twist unveils in this episode. We see Luke find out who he thinks killed his wife and Cage then tries to kill which brings Jessica the courage to suddenly shout "he didn't kill your wife! I did!" The tension within that moment was unbearable as we see Luke stare at Jones with fury in his eyes and say "you were right. You are a piece of shit" after punching a huge dent in the front of the bus - just inches away from Jessica.
We see Kilgrave for only brief moments in this episode where he buys a new house. He persuades the owner of the house to pack up and leave by the end of the next day (without using his mind-control which was surprising). It's not until the very end of the episode that we see that Kilgrave has bought Jessica's childhood home and ever since we saw the room dedicated to photos of Jones. we see how obsessed he is with her.
Trish Walker (Rachael Taylor) and Jones didn't team up in this episode which is a shame because their chemistry is amazing. Overall, this is a brilliant episode. It's not as strong as the previous ones but it still brings the action and a different kind of tension.
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